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Differences Between Rewards Points and Leaderboard Points
Differences Between Rewards Points and Leaderboard Points

A quick explanation of points for Rewards vs points for Leaderboards

Updated over a week ago

How You Earn Points

You can earn points by participating in various wellness activities, either within our app (like meditations and workouts) or through external fitness apps. Points for fitness-related activities are calculated based on factors including:

  • Duration of the workout

  • Your age

  • Average Heart Rate

  • Active Intensity of the activity (based on your resting and maximum heart rate)

  • Duration of the activity

    *These factors mean that even if two people do the same activity, they might earn different points due to individual differences in these parameters.

Earning points to use on rewards

We track points for each activity you do. However, for the purpose of claiming rewards, we only consider the highest-earning activity per day. For instance:

Example: If on a specific day you complete a 5km run that earns 35 points and achieve 15 points from walking 10,000 steps, only the points from the run (35 points) will appear on your Rewards page since it's the highest for that day.

Earning points for the leaderboard

All activities are counted towards your total points for the leaderboard. Using the same example:

On the Leaderboard: Both the run and the steps are included, giving you a total of 50 points for that day.

This system ensures that while your highest achievement is recognised for rewards, all your efforts contribute to your standing on the leaderboards.

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